
Sea Fennel 50 g

    Sea Fennel  50 gSea Fennel  50 gSea Fennel  50 g

  • In stock
  • Shipped on Tuesday only. Order before Monday 5:00 PM.

Sea Fennel has a number of uses in the culinary field. Working with Sea fennel requires precise dosage due to its concentrated aromas. When it is blanched, the full asparagus flavour is most evident.

€ 10,50

€ 10,50

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    Product description

    Sea Fennel 50 g

    Sea Fennel has a number of uses in the culinary field. Working with Sea fennel requires precise dosage due to its concentrated aromas. When it is blanched, the full asparagus flavour is most evident.

    Sea Fennel has a number of uses in the culinary field. Working with Sea fennel requires precise dosage due to its concentrated aromas. When it is blanched, the full asparagus flavour is most evident. Sea Fennel does well with fatty ingredients and is good in combinations with shellfish. The plant is also said to have a diuretic effect, to cleanse toxins and improve digestion. However, there is no scientific proof for this.

    A plant found from the beaches of the Black Sea to the coast of the North Atlantic ocean. Also found on mediterranean coastlines, but is a protected species under threat of extinction. A plant found from the beaches of the Black Sea to the coast of the North Atlantic ocean. Also found on Mediterranean coastlines, but is a protected species under threat of extinction. Sea Fennel is known to contain about thirty essential oils, such as gamma terpins (found in citrus fruits) sabinenes (found in carrots) beta phellandrenes (anis, sellery, fennel) and methylthymol (Thyme).

    Sea Fennel is year round available and can easily be stored for up to nine days at a temperature of 2-7°C. Produced

    Important order cut-off time and delivery

    The fresh assortment of Koppert Cress is delivered once a week on Tuesday. Orders placed before 5 pm on Monday will be shipped the following day. Orders after this time will be shipped a week later on Tuesday. An order with various products, including one Koppert Cress product, will be shipped in its entirety on Tuesday.


    Specifications for: Sea Fennel 50 g

    • Content 50 pieces
    • Ingredients
    • Origin The Netherlands


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      Sea Fennel has a number of uses in the culinary field. Working with Sea fennel requires pr...

      € 10,50

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      Sea Fennel  50 g

      Sea Fennel 50 g

      € 10,50