

Sakura (3)


    • OKAZUKE Salt Pickled Sakura 30g

    Salt Pickled Sakura 30g

    Preserved in salt and ume plum vinegar, these Sakura blossoms keep their pink color and sh...

    € 7,95

    Preserved in salt and ume plum vinegar, these Sakura blossoms keep their pink color and sh...

    • Sakura rice vinegar

    Sakura rice vinegar

    An amazing vinegar flavored with sakura blossom.

    € 19,95

    An amazing vinegar flavored with sakura blossom.

    • OKAZUKE Salt Pickled Sakura 500g

    Salt Pickled Sakura 500g

    Preserved in salt and ume plum vinegar, these Sakura blossoms keep their pink color and sh...

    € 67,-

    Preserved in salt and ume plum vinegar, these Sakura blossoms keep their pink color and sh...

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