

Mirin (2)


    • Ogasawara Isshi Soden Mirin

    Isshi Soden Mirin

    Mirin made in a traditional way, using only mochi rice, koij rice and shōchū, and aged for three years. Very high in umami resulting in a viscous texture and intense caramelized taste. A tiny amount of this mirin will enrich dish and also delicious as a s

    € 24,-

    € 24,-

    • Hakusen Shuzō Hanamikura Cookingsake

    Hanamikura Cookingsake

    Top-class cooking sake. Although self-named a ‘ryorizake’ (cooking sake) it is of much higher quality. It is a junmai sake, 100% pure, with no alcohol, sugar or salt added. The high content of amino-acid makes for extra umami, which enhances the flavour o

    € 18,95

    € 18,95

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