
Flat bamboo skewer 50pcs 18cm

  • Flat bamboo skewer 50pcs 18cm

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Perfect for large pieces of yakitori that require two skewers.

€ 4,45

€ 4,45

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Product description

Flat bamboo skewer 50pcs 18cm

These skewers are commonly used in yakatori; grilling pieces of chicken. These skewers  are perfect for large pieces that require two skewers. Because they are flat, the meat stays in place and you can easily turn the skewers when grilling.

Soak the skewers in water for an hour before use. As a result, they do not burn and skewering will be easier.


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    Available in store: Check availability

    Flat bamboo skewer 50pcs 18cm

    Flat bamboo skewer 50pcs 18cm

    € 4,45

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