
Dutch Wasabi® Plant 12cm

    Dutch Wasabi® Plant 12cmDutch Wasabi® Plant 12cm

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This is your chance to grow your own wasabi at home. The wasabi plant you receive is several months old. Nice for in the garden or on the window band. Completely edible and frost resistant. Harvest your own wasabi rhizome within 2 years.

€ 8,50

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€ 8,50

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    Product description

    Dutch Wasabi® Plant 12cm

    For countries other than the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, fresh products and plants cannot be combined in one order due to the high shipping costs. Please order these separately. 


    This is your chance to grow your own wasabi at home. The wasabi plant you receive is a few months old. The plant will soon start to grow large heart-shaped leaves that will be a nice addition to your garden or balcony. They are well rooted to survive the summer heat and are frost resistant. With proper care you will grow your own wasabi rhizome within 2 years. The other parts of the plant are also edible. For more information visit our growing guide below.


    The plants are shipped with the greatest care in a plant box. However, it can happen that a twig breaks. Don't worry, the plant will recover within a few weeks.

    For countries other than the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, fresh products and these plants cannot be combined. Please order these separately. They will be shipped separately.

    For large quantities, contact us for a quote. 

    Wasabi Growing Guide

    Wasabi is a beautiful rare plant with heart-shaped leaves and the plant produces spikes of tiny white blooms in early spring. Wasabi is a brassica and is closely related to mustard and cabbage plants.

    Wasabi is a flavor enhancer for food. This beautiful plant is well worth the challenge, so get ready to grow something out-of-the-ordinary with this Wasabi grow guide.

    Growing Location

    As a member of the brassica family, it is also a cool-season plant that will not grow in a hot environment. Wasabi grows naturally on the shaded wet banks of cold mountain streams.

    Wasabi cannot handle the intensity of the summer sun. When grown in a home garden or an indoor container, Wasabi does best in full shade. A little dappled sunlight, especially in winter times, is acceptable. Plant on the south side of a structure under taller plants when growing Wasabi outdoors.

    Growing Season

    Wasabi can be grown year-round under the right conditions. Plant in late winter for a spring harvest and autumn for a winter harvest. As long as the plant is kept shaded, cool, and well hydrated it will be happy and productive.

    Water and Food

    Water the plant daily. Remember its natural habitat is alongside creeks so it must have plenty of water to survive. The plant stem will droop at the first sign of thirst - give the plant a drink and it will recover. Feed Wasabi a balanced fertilizer every 3-months.

    How To Plant

    Wasabi plants can reach 50 cm in height, so space plants at least 30 cm apart when planting outdoors or grow one plant in a 30 cm container indoors.

    The soil must be well-draining and have a pH between 6-7. The fertilizer should already be combined into the soil before planting Wasabi.

    Plant seedling only deep enough to keep it upright. Being sure that all of the roots are covered, backfill the hole and gently press into place. Do not cover the rhizome, it needs to be exposed above the soil surface.

    Water well at planting time. Mist as necessary to keep plants cool and to avoid wilted leaves. Add a 2-inch layer of mulch to help retain moisture and keep soil cool.

    Pests and Diseases

    Wasabi is sometimes infested with aphids, cabbage worms, and slugs.

    The best defence against pests and disease is to maintain the cool temperatures and a regular watering schedule. Remove wilted or diseased foliage, hand-pick off slugs and other large pests off plants. Remove aphids and other pests by blasting off planting with a water hose.


    Harvest time is 24-36 months after planting when the rhizome is 4-inches or larger. Leaves, stems, and flowers can be harvested anytime.

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    User reviews 5 / 5Reviews:(4)5 / 55 / 5

    • MB By mariska brigitta van der willigen - 19-11-2024 18:30

      5 / 5

      ik heb de plant enkele jaren, eerst zette ik 'm in de pot in de koude grond op een beetje beschaduwde vochtige plek en daar deed hij het uitstekend met heel veel blad en bloemen, totdat hij uitdroogde in een droge zomer waarin ik een maand weg was en hij geen water kreeg, en toen ik thuis kwam leek hij dood, al het blad was verdord, maar ik gaf m water elke dag en na een tijdje zag ik weer een groen puntje, hij kwam weer volledig terug! ik oogstte alleen de bloemen en bladeren maar dit voorjaar werd de plant in een paar dagen tijd helemaal opgegeten en weer leek ie dood en was ik m kwijt en nu nam ik de pot op uit de grond, en zette die weg van de insekten die later slakken bleken want ook op een tafel was de plant ineens niet veilig meer dit seizoen, de eerste jaren lustten de slakken mn Wasabi niet en nu dus wel. inmiddels is ie weer terug gegroeid, niet meer in de volle grond maar in de pot , en lang niet meer zo groot en geen bloemen nog, maar ik kan er weer bladeren van eten en ik heb er ook een rhizoom wasabi van gegeten inmiddels omdat ik dacht dat ie dood was en de wortels duidelijk bloot lagen. de plant is dus ijzersterk, heeft altijd vocht nodig en kan goed in half schaduw. hoe m te beschermen tegen slakken zonder dodelijk slakken/vogel/egel gif te gebruiken weet ik nog niet, behalve dan de plant in de hoogte zetten en elke dag eventuele slakken eraf halen , maar wie weet lusten de slakken m volgend jaar niet meer ;)<br /><br />
      ik ben er heel erg blij mee

    • ML By Michael - 30-10-2023 10:55

      5 / 5

      The plants look perfect! I have them for a month already and they doubled in size. Extremely healthy and vigorous plants. Probably the best wasabi supplier in mainland Europe. Too bad they only have Mazuma variety available.

    • AA By Anindita - 08-04-2023 18:11

      5 / 5

      Was looking a shop that selling wasabi plant couple months ago and found Dutch wasabi website after searching online. This seasonal plants I was waiting for so long is worth the wait. Good packaging, plant are in good condition and beautiful

    • MA By Marina - 01-07-2022 09:47

      5 / 5

      Received my plants yesterday! They are gorgeous! Very healthy and good size . Thank you very much!!

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      Dutch Wasabi® Plant 12cm

      Dutch Wasabi® Plant 12cm

      € 8,50